Analyzing topological architecture's form systems and digital transformations and using them in interior designs

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer Pharos University in Alexandria Faculty of Arts and Design Décor Department Interior Architecture


A range of digital topology architecture concepts and techniques have been the foundation for modern design ideas, which have arisen as an effective path towards digital design, surface analysis modeling techniques, more adaptable and efficient topology design, and transformative processes and shape change from research into the function and structural elements of the final shape. Accurate topology shape analysis has clearly yielded transformations and changes that have an impact on internal topology design. These include the development of more adaptable and efficient topology forms of modeling, the application of topology modeling techniques for surface analysis, and computer-aided design. Innovation in form formation that performs form transformation is a model of how topological design and technology might work effectively.

The integration of topology design and technology is illustrated by the development of innovative forms that achieve transformation in the form based on the rules of topological engineering.
The topology transformation and morphing resulting from the precise analysis of the shape produce sophisticated forms based on topological systems and programs that support design concepts to produce flexible and formal transformation topology designs that are compatible with different factors and variables.
The concept of algorithms in topology is used to solve multiple problems in the field of interior design, such as determining the formation of complex engineering design structures and different shapes.


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