Utilization of Recycled and Waste Materials in Architecture: A Green Concept in Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


1 Civil and Architectural Engineering Division, National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt

2 Architecture Department, Pyramids Higher Institute (P.H.I.) for Engineering and Technology, 6th of October, Egypt.


       Waste materials are a serious environmental issue and an enormous problem for the environment.  This material's discharge and reuse have become necessary. Reusing components and recycling waste into raw materials for the making of building materials are the two ways waste in the construction industry can be recycled. Building industry has incorporated wastes for energy, economic and environmental protection. The most recent type of construction materials that are mixed with different kinds of waste (By-product, Agricultural, Construction and demolition (C&D) materials, Transportation industry waste, etc.) can propose a probability of consuming disposal materials and lessen the environment pollution. Recycled materials in Egypt have potential to improve the environment and construction sector according to Egypt Vision 2030, but need further investigation. In order to manage waste effectively and sustainably, this study investigates how different kinds of recyclable materials may be used in building initiatives as a green concept that eventually minimizes environmental pollution. The results confirm by implementation of recycled materials in Architecture is of a great benefit towards a greener future.


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