The Design and Its Role in the Enrichment of the Aesthetic Ad Craft Values of a Metal Craft

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Handcrafts Work and Folklore, Faculty of Art Education, Helwan University, Egypt


Design is one of the most important characteristics of any artwork, 
where artists can attempt and employ various design approaches. 
Thus, design is indeed a crucial component in educational 
processes. Given that art education fields are diverse, mentor is 
required to establish a sound guidance and close interaction with 
students, particularly in metal works. It has become essential for a 
mentor to provide students with opportunities to get to know the 
diverse craft systems and their practical bases and to develop 
innovative solutions and new craft forms. This can be accomplished 
by giving them professional assignments that require deep and 
independent thinking with constructive criticism and a follow - up 
meeting to make sure that the students will benefit from these 
assignments. For example in metal works, research and teaching 
experience has revealed that for a piece of metal craft work to be 
fully completed, the student had to continually practice on this piece 
and iteratively improve it (in terms of design and technicality) in 
order to come up with the best outcome and craft solutions that can 
make the piece meet the required standard.
